4 Marks Questions Cheatsheet - Section 2 - History (O-Level Pakistan Studies 2059) - NormalBeaconite - The student blog

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4 Marks Questions Cheatsheet - Section 2 - History (O-Level Pakistan Studies 2059)

A compilation of 4 marks questions for section 2 dug up from Nigel Roger's and Nigel Kelly's coursebooks for History CAIES (O-Level Pakistan Studies 2059).



Compiled by Ayatullah Saifullah

  1. What were the objectives of All India Muslim League?
  2. What were the Morley-Minto reforms?
  3. What was the Lucknow Pact?
  4. Describe Montague-Chelmsford Reform.
  5. Describe the Rowlatt Act.
  6. What was the Amritsar Massacre?
  7. Describe the first Khilafat Conference?
  8. Describe the Second Khilafat Conference?
  9. Describe Simon Commission.
  10. Describe the Delhi Proposals.
  11. What was the Nehru Report?
  12. What are the 14 points of Jinnah?
  13. Who was Chaudri Rehmat Ali?
  14. Who was Allama Iqbal? / Describe the Allahabad Address.
  15. Describe the Communal Award.
  16. What was the Government of India Act?
  17. What was Arya Samaj?
  18. What was the Swadeshi Movement?
  19. Describe the election of 1937?
  20. What was Warda Scheme?
  21. What was Bande-Matram?
  22. What was Vidya Mandir scheme?
  23. What was the Hijrat Movement?
  24. What was Hindu Mahasaba?
  25. What was the non-cooperation movement?
  26. Describe the Chauri Chaura incident? 
  27. What was Mopilla Rebellion?
  28. Describe the Day of Deliverance?
  29. What was Pakistan/Lahore Resolution?
  30. What was the Cripps Mission plan?
  31. What was the Quit India Movement?
  32. What was the Wavell plan/ Simla Conference?
  33. What were 1945-46 election?
  34. What was the Cabinet Mission plan?
  35. What was the Direct Action Day?
  36. What was the 3rd June Plan?
  37. What was the Partition of Bengal?
  38. What was the Simla deputation?
  39. What was the Reversal of Partition of Bengal?
  40. Describe the system of diarchy.
  41. What was Independence Act?
  42. Who was Lord Mountbatten?
  43. Who was Pundit Mohan Malaviya?
  44. What was the Salt March?
  45. Describe the first Round Table Conference.
  46. Describe the second Round Table Conference?
  47. Describe the third Round Table Conference?
  48. Describe the Gandhi-Irwin Pact?
  49. What was the Hunter Committee?
  50. Who was General Dyer?

1. Formed in 1906 -to show loyalty to the British -to protect political rights of Muslims -to represent Muslims in the Government -to counter the growing influence of Congress
2.  ... in 1909 -Indian Act was passed in British parliament -reforms like separate electorate were given to the Muslims -… Congress called it undemocratic -No. of seats in both the Provincial and Executive council were also increased -Council could just advised and had no real powers so Congress opposed it 
3. ... in (Dec) 1916 -Congress agreed to concessions with Muslim League -right to separate electorates -one-third of seats in Councils. - Both wanted more seats in Councils -protection of Minorities -Self Rule seemed a possibility and Muslim League realized they needed to work with Congress.
4. ... in 1919 -it was proposed that Indian would be given 2% voting rights -system of diarchy was introduced with reserved (e.g. Police) and transferred subjects (forests) -council of Princes was set up
5. ... in 1919 -people could be tried in private by 3 High Court Judges -no right of appeal -people could be ordered to live in a particular place -stopped from holding meetings or arrested without warrant and kept in prison without trial -Indian protested against this act
6. ... in 1919 -General Dyer, Jallianwala Bagh, -banning on public meeting in the city -crowd of 20000, fired on crowd without warning, 400 killed, 1200+wounded -Hunter Committee set up afterwards -Dyer removed from active service -Indians insulted by this action.
7. ... in 1919 -lead by Maulana Muhammad Ali & Maulana Shaukat Ali -Ghandi was also part of the conference -aim of conference was the protection of Khalifa
8. ... in 1919 -ML and Congress were both present -both were working together to stop the dismemberment of Turkey -It was decided that Gandhi would persuade the British not to punish Turkey -Maulana M. Ali went to Britain to persuade the British
9. ... in 1927 -Conservative Government fared that it might lose power to labor party who are too sympathetic towards Indians so they brought the date of commission forward -a seven man committee lead by Sir Simon -opposed by Indians (ML& Congress)as it all the members were British
10. ... in 1927 -Jinnah called conference of All Muslim leaders -proposed that Sindh should be given full provincial status -no. of seats in Punjab and Bengal would be proportional to there population etc -If all the Proposal were accepted Muslims would drop the demand of separate electorate
11. ... in 1928 -constitutional guarantee of fundamental rights including freedom of conscience and Liberty -central government responsible for peace and order -Dominion Status -India to become a federation with a 2 chamber parliament -protection of minorities -vote for all men and women.
12. ... in 1929 -presented to All India Muslim League and were accepted -Opposed by Congress/Nehru -Demanded same amount of provincial autonomy -Muslims culture,religion etc should be protected -Sindh should be separated from Bombay
13. ... in 1930 -left India to study law at Cambridge -attended conferences in London on Hindu-Muslim Relationships -Believed in a separate Muslim homeland- partition -1933 a pamphlet ‘ Now or Never' -gave the name Pakistan became popular amongst most Muslims during the 1930s. Considered less important than Allama Iqbal, Jinnah refused to meet him
14. A philosopher -politician and poet who practiced law in England -Knighted by the British in 1922 in recognition of his poetry -He believed in the need for Muslims to have a separate country and that Hindus and Muslims were 2 nations -In 1927 appointed General Secretary of Muslim League -made his Allahabad speech in 1930 -Buried outside Badshahi Mosque in Lahore.
15. ... in 1932 -introduced by British PM Ramsey MacDonald -right of separate electorate given to all minorities -Weightage was also given -ML opposed it as it reduced Muslim majority in Punjab and Bengal -Congress also opposed it
16. ... in 1935 -voting rights increased to 25%for Indians -diarchy abolished at provincial level and introduced at Central level -NWFP given status of full fledged province -opposed by ML,Congress& Princes -Nehru called it ‘charter of slavery'
17. ... Formed in 1877 -by Dayananda Saraswati was influential in Punjab -aimed at purifying corrupt Hindu practices -also carried out militant activities -forcibly converted non-Hindus to Hinduism
18. Formed in response to partition by the Hindus between 1903 and 1905 -Hindus were furious with the partition as they saw it as part of the British ‘divide and rule' policy -Swadeshi Movement was a boycott of British goods and bought only Indian produced goods -British sugar,salt and cloth especially suffered and cotton in particular -British cloth was burnt on bonfires. -People picketed the shops selling foreign goods.
19. ML lost -….because of image problem, lack of organization etc -Congress won absolute majority in 5 provinces -ML did not do well in Muslim majority areas like Bengal, Punjab & Sindh
20. Educational scheme based on Gandhi's ideas -spinning of cotton -no religious education -bow before Gandhi picture in school -Muslims were offended as they saw it as an attempt to convert their children to Hinduism
21. Nationalist Hindu Song -Hindus were encouraged to expel Muslims from Hindustan -Singing of a nationalist song was made compulsory before start of official business in the provincial assemblies during Congress rule -Muslims were offended
22. Introduced during Congress rule -introduced in school -children were taught about Hindu heroes -Muslims were offended as they saw it as an attempt to convert their children to Hinduism
23. ... in 1920 to Afghanistan -reminiscent of journey of Holy Prophet from Makkah to Madina -Told to leave a foreign-run state and move to an Islamic one -refused entry to Afghanistan -returned to villages penniless, unable to buy back their homes and land sold, lost jobs

25. ... in 1920 -launched by Gandhi -British clothes were burned and handmade Indian cloth was encouraged -Teachers and students left English schools and colleges-boycott of elections -British arrested 30,000 prisoners -Gandhi called off the movement in 1922 because of Chaura Chauri incident -failed in its aim to attain Swaraj (self rule) and failed to protect khalifa - Gandhi used this tool many times to threaten the British
26. Pitched battles between locals and British soldiers in Nilambur 1921 -at Tirur police station set on fire which was a precursor to C-C in Feb 1922 -21 policemen killed after they fired on apolitical procession -Gandhi concerned about increasing level of violence and called off his civil disobedience campaign -which upset many Congress leaders and Muslims especially -It weakened H-M unity and also weakened support for the KM
27. ... in 1921 -it was an armed uprising against the British & Hindus during KM -they forcibly converted Hindus to Muslim -took control of Police stations and Government offices -were violent & killed Hindus
28. ... in 1939 -Muslims observed DOD on the call of Jinnah -… to celebrate the end of Congress tyranny e.g. Bande Matram -…because Congress resigned from the Government
29. 23rd March 1940 -also known as Pakistan resolution -passed at annual session of ML in Lahore -Maulvi Fazal-ul-Haq put forward the resolution -demanded for independent Muslim majority areas
30. ... in 1942 -Sir Stafford Cripps, in exchange for full support for war effort, promised full and complete independence at end of war -Constitution to be drawn up by Indians and Indian political parties to join Executive Council with control of all government departments except armed forces during war -Congress rejected it as wanting full control of India's affairs then. Muslim League rejected it because no mention of separate state
31. ... in 1942 -Congress on the call of Gandhi passed Quit India resolution -It demanded withdrawal of British from India -… because there was a threat of Japanese invasion -It was decided that protests would be peaceful -Congress was banned -Gandhi and Nehru arrested -Jinnah called QIM as ‘blackmail'
32. ... in 1945 -Lord Wavell came to India to decide the future policy in India -he proposed that an Executive council should be set up -Executive council would have equal no. of Hindus and Muslim members -Jinnah pointed out that low caste Hindu/Sikhs would always vote for Hindus -He also rejected that Congress would nominate Muslim members
33. Wavell was to organize the elections -ML fought election with the aim of separate homeland (as per Lahore resolution) -Congress aimed for undivided India -ML 87%from Muslim majority areas -Congress won 91% from Hindu Majority areas
34. ... in 1946 -three-man British delegation met ML, Congress -Jinnah was insisting on partition -congress rejected partition -All India Commission was set up to decide whether partition would take place or not -ML and Congress rejected the Commission -However the commission decided that there will be three parts (Bengal and Assam, Muslim majority, Hindu majority areas)
35. ... in 1946 -Muslims feared that British might leave India unpartitioned -ML called for DAD, to show their feelings -peaceful protests were carried out -Except Calcutta where 4000 people died (Great Calcutta killing)
36. ... in 1947 -Lord Mountbatten was sent to India to negotiate the future of India & partition seemed inevitable to him -Plan decided that there would be 2 states (India and Pakistan) -Each state will have dominion status -Muslim majority area would vote either to stay in India or Pakistan
37. ... in 1905 -By Lord Curzon -divided Bengal into two parts East and West Bengal -Hindus viewed this as British ‘divide and rule' policy -Muslims viewed this as a positive step as they will evade Hindu domination in Bengal
38. ... in 1906 -led by Agha Khan -visited Minto the Viceroy to make some requests - Muslims to have own representatives elected by Muslim voters -in councils Muslims to have higher percentage of seats than their percentage of population -Minto agreed to these proposals. -Showed British were prepared to work with Muslims -persuaded Muslims that they were a separate community to Hindus and the idea grew of a separate political party.
39. ... in 1911 -Lord Harding agreed to reverse the Partition -British were unable to protect Muslim interests because of Hindu protests e.g. Swadeshi Movement -Muslims were annoyed
40. Introduced in 1919 at provincial level -in Mont-Ford reforms -two types of Subjects (reserved and transferred) -Reserved subjects like Police were with British -Transferred Subjects like Forest were Indians
41. ... in 1947 -Act stated that ‘ British India would be divided into two parts, Pakistan and India' -Both states will use GOIA 1935 until they make their own constitution -On 14th August 1947 Pakistan came into being and on 15th August 1947 India declared its independence
42. Last viceroy of India in 1947 -also the first Governor General of India -he made speedy arrangements to avoid civil war in India after meeting with the political leaders -gave 3rd June plan -he brought the date of partition forward to 15th August 1947
43. UP congressman -he formed Hindu Mahasaba (a political party) -… .in 1923 -Hindu Mahasaba contested its first election in 1926 -this party was against the partition of India
44.  ... in 1930 -24 days march launched by Gandhi -was launched unfair Salt laws of British-… who had banned making of salt without government licences -was also launched to oppose British rule -British schools/colleges were boycotted
45. ... in 1930 -held in London -attended by ML and Princely states rulers -Congress did not attend as they were given no guarantee regarding implementation -Princes declared that they would join future federation etc
46. ... in 1931 -Congress attended and Gandhi refused to accept the rights of minorities -NWFP/Sindh were made separate provinces with their own Governors
47. ... in 1932 -Congress boycotted the 3rd RTC -Gandhi and Nehru arrested -non-cooperation movement was restarted -Lord Willington less prepared to give concessions -Only 46 delegates attended the 3rd RTC -Jinnah had gone in voluntary exile
48. ... in 1931 -Irwin agreed to release some prisoners and return property seized by Government -In return, Gandhi agreed to call off non-cooperation movement -… he also agreed to attend the 2nd RTC
49. Was set up to inquire what Dyer had done in Amritsar -Dyer was removed from service -he was given no punishment by the Committee -In the eyes of Europeans he was a hero but the Indian people were highly insulted
50. Born in India -1919 ordered troops to fire on unarmed 20,000 peaceful protesters -400 killed and 1200 wounded -Hunter Committee was set up to investigate his action -removed from service - given no punishment


  1. Replies
    1. Here is Section 1:

  2. Replies
    1. Section 3 has been uploaded:

  3. where is battle of aliwal and pondicherry

  4. Replies
    1. Section 3 has been uploaded:

  5. I can see only initial chapter of each section where are the rest of the chapters? I need the expected qs of RELIGIOUS REFORMERS and more....

    1. Section 1 and Section 3 Questions are also available on the Blog. Just search History and you'll get all sections :)

  6. is there one for 7 and 14 markers for section 2

  7. These are really helpful! can you pls make one for 10 and 14 mark questions? Thanks!

  8. guys use copy paste extension it will unable its copy option

  9. i fail because of you non of question came

  10. You can allow the college or high school to pass through you - having all the fun on campus, and still pass exams with ease. בודק תוכנה



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